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Suffocate (2012)

by S.R. Johannes(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 5
Coleman & Stott
The Breathless
review 1: “For centuries, the world outside the Biome has been unlivable.”And with that we are introduced to this dystopian society. Post-apocalyptic? I’m not sure. I don’t think that was really said. And that’s the one thing that wasn’t answered for me in this novelette. How did the world become this way? You can’t go outside the Biome or you will burn to death in searing heat. I can only imagine that information will come out as the series moves on. As for Suffocate, I am totally impressed. I love a good dystopian book, and SR Johannes does it well. Eria (bonus points on the name, btw) is a young woman, but she’s not a child. She’s not to be underestimated. And when the bad thing happens and shit gets real, she doesn’t collapse and cry “why me?!?” She gets ... moreup and handles business. I like her, and I can’t wait to see more of her. This story is bringing about a great promise of a series. It’s set up perfectly. People have died, secrets have been uncovered, and the line in the sand is most definitely drawn. Genetically modified food, meatless meals, artificial sun and oxygen, purified water. But the Biome is not quite the utopia the people in charge want you to think it is. Oh yes, I am very eager to read the rest of this series!
review 2: Suffocate by S.R. Johannes is the first novelette in the Breathless series. Suffocate is an action packed thriller filled with twists and turns that are sure to keep you guessing. It's about a girl living in a dome sometime after the earth is declared unlivable. The air unbreathable. You step outside the dome, you die. Only, not everything inside the dome is as it seems...Eria is a strong character who, despite the tragedies she goes through in such a short amount of time, is desperate to stop a larger conspiracy. She gets help from her friend Ash, her father's research assistant. Ash is a smart and sexy edition to the story. He's sure to intrigue you the same way he does Eria.But as cute as Eria and Ash are, there are bigger things happening behind the scenes of the Biome, and they are on a mission to find out just what's going on. And the ending will have you reeling. I can't wait to read the next two editions to the Breathless series. Suffocate is a captivating short that will pull you in from the very first page. I recommend it to anyone who loves sci-fi or dystopian novels. less
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Awesome novelette, great story and plot, and I just can't wait to read more!
Wow. Shelli? That ending was KILLER! I want to read part 2 now, please!!
That was a fast read. And fun too!
Review to come on the blog!!!
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