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The Chimp Paradox (2012)

by Steve Peters(Favorite Author)
4.01 of 5 Votes: 1
009193558X (ISBN13: 9780091935580)
review 1: This book has a lot to offer and I suspect I will be returning to it next year to glean more from it and work in depth with each of its chapters.Initially it all seems rather daft, talking of your solar system, invisible twins and inner monkey complete with computer and gremlins (and childish drawings too boot).Getting past that might well be a problem for some but it actually just an effective way to present the ideas in the book and make them memorable enough for some of the things to stick.There is no quick fix being offered. It has the potential to change your thinking as long as you are prepared to work at it.There will be those that can scoff at this just being common sense (perhaps it is for them) and brush anything aside which smacks of "work needed" but this is a... more road map which will help you get closer to a place you want to be.I cannot see any down side in that.
review 2: This book offers a basic map to know and understand how we function and how we get programmed in life. The main thesis of the book is that our minds are made up of two separate parts - the human and the chimp. The human is rational and logical; whilst the chimp is emotional and instinctive; Our problems come when the chimp ‘highjacks’ us – overtaken by emotions.The book is written in a very simple style, explaining how human being functions without going into technical details about physical structure of the brain. Some argues that the book is overly simplistic in its explanation of neuropsychology. However, many does find it an easy read and an introduction to understanding mind management.I would have given it a 4.5, but it on my recommended book list for clients IF ONLY the author did not sa what he said about Personality Disorder. Dated and narrow, it irritated me and that really was a blow, unfortunately :(. less
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on a scale of one to ten how patronised do you feel?steve bloody peters
A different take on the Id, Ego and Super Ego. Interesting model
I wish everyone could read it.
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