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Screw The Galaxy (2013)

by Steven Campbell(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 5
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Hard Luck Hank
review 1: I seem to really be enjoying the lighter side of sci-fi lately. Hank is a character that can be appreciated for his courage and acceptance of his mutation. He thinks of himself as a less-than-smart sort of fella but common sense makes up for any lack of brilliance. He basically keeps a city-sized space station full of mafia-style mobsters and semi-corrupt government running smoothly then goes on to save the station from invaders. Very much the low key super hero.
review 2: Hank, the main character in this novel, is an immensely likeable guy. Written in the first person, the story follows the (mis)adventures of Hank, a sort of "solve-it-all" consultant on the Belvaille station where the industry of choice is pretty much anything illegal. Wider galactic events ov
... moreerwhelm the usually isolated station, bringing Hank and his unique skills honed over centuries to the fore. This is no epic science-fiction and was never intended to be. It is a humorous and entertaining story that is well-written and moves very fast. Hank's viewpoint on life and others makes for some great giggles and it is a great story for a light read. I am a big fan and look forward to the other volumes about Hank. This is definitely a worthy addition to your reading plan! less
Reviews (see all)
Good stuff. Will definitely continue the adventure with Hank in the follow up books.
Very entertaining, well paced book. Look forward to reading more about Hank.
The author has a wonderfully snarky sense of humor.
This book was absolutely hilarious.
loved it. off to part 2!!
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