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The Betrayal Of Trust (2011)

by Susan Hill(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 3
0701180013 (ISBN13: 9780701180010)
Chatto & Windus
Simon Serrailler
review 1: I really enjoyed this book and it would have gotten 5 stars if it hadn't of been for the ending. I must admit I was a bit disappointed and if you have read the book you might understand why. It seemed liked the ending was rushed. There were a few things that I think were left not quite finished. I have read a few of Susan Hill's books now and I have to say the more I read the more I enjoy them. Her books are definitely page turners and I really like the characters. Even though I was a bit annoyed with the ending I am looking forward to picking up another Susan Hill book.
review 2: The bodies of two girls killed some years ago are found after a flood washes away part of a hillside. Simon Serrailler investigates. But that is only part of the story line. Much of t
... morehe novel is taken up with issues of euthanasia, with characters who are not linked to the crime investigation. Another story thread is a love relationship of Simon Serrailler's, described in at times sickeningly over-the-top language. The result is a mish-mash of genres, an unsatisfactory novel which does not hold together. And the ending to the murder investigation is too rushed. less
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A story about assisted suicide more than it is a detective novel.
I have enjoyed the all previous. Hope there's more to come
Excellent British series with interesting characters.
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