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The Pearl Savage (2011)

by Tamara Rose Blodgett(Favorite Author)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 1
Tamara Rose Blodgett
review 1: I loved this book! it took ages to get going and I nearly gave up, but soooooo glad I didn't! it has sci fi, fantasy, a little romance and some violence, so don't know what to class it as.it tells the story of Clara, a princess stuck between a rock and a hard place, both of which are causing her great pain. so, she runs. . . . . or tries to! taken by those who live outside for her world, the spheres. these people are a dying breed, and the princess their only hope.like I said, it took a while to get going but once it did it really took off. I love how it took ages to figure out who the guard was, and the twist the story took with him and the princess.already have next two lined up!
review 2: I am not sure how I feel about this book. I may have given it four sta
... morers but the editing was very terrible, and the fact I downloaded this book in 2013 and it was published in 2011 and the author still hasn't attempted to fix what everyone else has pointed out seems odd to me. I also have never seen such weird formatting on my Kindle before, the text was gigantic and even when put to the smallest font it was still big, and every few pages a sentence would be so tiny I couldn't hardly see it. Now on to the book, the world building could have been SO much more. I kept hoping the author would describe more about the sphere, the Guardian's, build more up about the Kingdom's, but it never happens. A brief mention of "rocks falling from the sky" and people having to live inside because they would die outside. Perhaps this is all addressed in later installments of the series, but it was very vague and just kept me wondering...what is up with the salt? Did I miss it, or was it never explained? Salt will tear open the walls, why? The premise of the book is Clara (main heroine) is a seriously abused Princess in the Kingdom of Ohio. You find out later why her mother, The Queen beats her, but the Queen herself is a shallow character, nothing more than a drunk, and the Prince she is to marry is also abusive. She is constantly under attack in the book, and it seems like every male who doesn't want to be with her, wants to rape her or attack her. I did like Charles at first, author ruined the integrity of this sweet friend of hers with jealously and anger towards the end of the book which didn't seem to be his persona at the start of the book.Clara herself is a likable enough heroine, but not to the point that men swoon over her the way they do. I hope to see her character grow in the next book, learn more about her. All we know is her dad died and her mom was an evil abusive queen, we don't get much back story on Clara, just thrown into her awful situation.The ending of the book did leave me wondering if the next book will answer some of my questions, so I did buy it, and I seriously hope it does. I also hope there are no more male suitors thrown into the story, because honestly it seemed to be getting ridiculous by the end of the book.I don't want it to sound like I hated this book, because it was a decent enough read, and I'll give book 2 a chance but if things don't pick up and the editing and formatting is terrible I may give up on the series. less
Reviews (see all)
I was confused during the first few chapters but after that I got hooked. I am in pursuit of #2!
I thought it was slow in the begining.Thankfully it got a little better towards the end.
Entertaining. I liked the main character. Women heroes rock.
Loved it. Can't wait to see what happens in the next book.
GREAT story! I'm off to find book two!
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