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Making Great Decisions Reflections: For A Life Without Limits (2000)

by T.D. Jakes(Favorite Author)
4.16 of 5 Votes: 5
1847376622 (ISBN13: 9781847376626)
review 1: I'm really not sure why this book got such high reviews -- as I was reading it, I kept thinking that it would only be really useful for people who don't THINK about anything before they make big decisions. I, on the other hand, think about everything ad nauseum, so most of the advice in this book was like, "Well, duh." (i.e.: "Babies don't stay babies forever. You may want a baby, but you also need to want a preschooler, an adolescent, and a teenager before you decide to have kids...")Aside from that, it REALLY felt like a book that was written just to cash in on Bishop Jakes as a "brand," a face to put on the cover, a personality, without a whole lot of substance to recommend it. Although it's supposed to be a book focused on making decisions regarding your personal relat... moreionships, specifically when it comes to marriage, there are only about four chapters in the middle that seem directly related to that stage of life, while the rest is padding that is only tangentially related. There's one chapter called, "Before You Take a Risk for Your Marriage," which I assumed was going to be about making decisions like making a big move, or having one partner stop working, or start a business, or what-have-you. But the chapter was JUST about taking risks, period, and didn't say anything about how to take those risks responsibly when you aren't the only one involved. Most of the chapters had weird tangents and there was all sorts of name-dropping ("When I was talking to my good friend Dr. Phil," and "My movie director friend once used my idea ...")I wanted this book to be straightforward, to offer a more "head-centered" approach to compliment the "heart-centered" approach I was getting in "Emotionally Engaged." But there wasn't any sort of clear-cut decision-making process or strategy here, just a lot of platitudes. If I wasn't such a darn "finisher" when it comes to books, I wouldn't have bothered to finish this one.
review 2: This book practically jumped off the shelf to get me to read it. (I have a guardian angel who is on. The. JOB.) I am no fan of "Doctor" Phil (anyone with a tag line is a complete turnoff to me) & I knew Reverend Jakes is on his show. But I overcame that reservation & read Reverend Jakes's book. Believe me, if you read it, you will feel as though you have a new lease on life. It's almost like an on-the-job-of-life training manual. Don't be put off by the fact that Reverend Jakes is a member of the clergy. This book is not preachy. It gives scattered references to the Bible which I only found to be helpful & resonant in my life. If you have a friend or relative who's just starting out on his own, buy him this book. But promise me you'll read it yourself first. It's great to get a little virtual hand-holding to guide one through the what-ifs of relationships (just-met, engagement, marriage, thinking-of-divorce, business, etc.). This book is written in a warm & comforting style which is even a bit corny or hokey at times (that's okay with me; I'm a little old-fashioned [in a good way:]). So, "Before You Do" anything that you're just not sure of, read this book. less
Reviews (see all)
i find the book not that intresting i think what he has written its common sense duh
A good guide in certain topics. My favorite part was the 20 questions
I want too buy and read this book also
Great book.
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