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The Nanny (2010)

by Tess Stimson(Favorite Author)
3.43 of 5 Votes: 2
Pan Macmillan
review 1: Solid chick lit told from the viewpoints of at least six characters about a woman, Clare, who is overwhelmed after the birth of twins. She hires Jenna as a nanny and tries to regain some control over her life at home and work. Things spiral out of control when one of the children becomes critically ill and having the nanny doesn't really alleviate the tension caused by the invasion of the twins.
review 2: I enjoyed this. I LOVE chapters from different individuals perspective... it is so intriguing to me! Great dramatic endings to each chapter as well! Good perspective of the nanny/mother relationship. For some reason, it just lacked something to me. It was VERY readable and I really enjoyed it, I guess I expected something different though. Good change
... moreof pace kind of book for me though. Not bad by any means, this book just sat on my to-read list forever and I expected something different. less
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I liked the book but hated the ending!
Every chapter kept you thinking OMG!
Light and easy and entertaining.
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