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Oishinbo: Izakaya--Pub Food, Vol. 7: A La Carte (2012)

by Tetsu Kariya(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 3
VIZ Media : VIZ Signature
review 1: This is the third book I have read in this series, but chronologically the volume is near the end. The main charaters' stories are more developed and less dramatic. Yamaoka is now married, and his wife has delivered twins. Izakaya is pub food, much of which is served on skewers, such a yakatori. One particular izakaya serves each part of the eel in a multicourse skewer menu. As always, I come away from reading hungry and with a desire to travel to Japan.
review 2: As far as I can tell, this is the end of the reprint series, and I'm giving it a negative mark since these reprints are a failure. Since they chose to publish these stories in a mishmash based on food groups instead of in chronological order, they ruined an amazingly entertaining and informative seri
... morees. The information that is presented on Japanese cuisine is useless since these are ultimately manga stories based on food and not reference books, and by going out of chronological publishing order, the highly entertaining personal stories of the characters is lost. It's extra annoying since the whole series is ultimately about the essence of being Japanese, and VIZ completely shit on the essence of this series with this presentation. It's a low rent happy meal presentation, where the bites are fun but the meal is empty and unsatisfying. Skip it. less
Reviews (see all)
Intriguing insight in food tradition in Japan. A bit forced but always mouthwatering.
Love Izakaya food, wish there was more actual recipes though.
It's too bad there aren't more volumes available in English.
Now I really want Japanese food...
I'm hungry!
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