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Nightlight: A Parody (2009)

by The Harvard Lampoon(Favorite Author)
3.08 of 5 Votes: 5
0307476103 (ISBN13: 9780307476104)
review 1: Stupidly Hilarious!!!!! I finished reading it in 2 days... I have never read a complete book this quickly.most people or grown up would find it distasteful due to rambling of an imbecile in a completely illogical world. but if a girl like me who is halfway to maturity and often cracks up on her own jokes, would most certainly weepingly laugh at it... :'Dand also what I believe that it really takes intelligence to make sarcastic stupid comedy... we shouldnt just undermine it...
review 2: I bought this book a few years ago, when I thought I would enjoy it, since mocking Twilight is so cool, but I never got around reading it. I would probably enjoy it at least a one star more than now. For the most part I was wishing I was reading a different book with an actual s
... moretory and likeable characters.I did laugh quite a lot while reading it, that is before I started skipping whole passages, due to how pointless and not interesting it was.The two stars are solely for the fact, that the book managed to be funny. Kudos. (I found out I own another book by The Harvard Lampoon, but I'll keep it on my shelf for few more years.) less
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Al comienzo es divertido, pero conforme avanza resulta malillo y sin gracia. Poco aprovechado.
Esa parodia en mucho mejor que Twilight. No podía parar de leerlo y de reír.
DNF. It was a little boring and not as funny as a parody should be.
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