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When It's A Jar (2013)

by Tom Holt(Favorite Author)
3.59 of 5 Votes: 3
0316226122 (ISBN13: 9780316226127)
review 1: Nah. Something I've read before. London, underground, a clumsy hero, some nice pseudo-technicalities, a couple of good ideas, a couple of not-so-necessary details (e.g. a dragon) - I could've spared myself all this, but my daughter insisted. However it was not a bad read all in the whole. I even laughed out loud once. The only thing that really pissed me off was the female lead. So, you decide to make a strong female character, bless you. You try really hard: A plucky girl grows into a military tom-boy - wow, good for you! But what do you do next? You put her in some box for the rest of the story and basically make her into a bland side-kick, or worse, a damsel in distress. What a shame after all that initial effort.
review 2: It's been a few years since I've r
... moreead a Tom Holt book. I don't remember the previous ones being quite so non-linear though I do remember the previous books using old jokes as a premise. "When is a door not a door?" is answered by When It's a Jar in literal and figurative means with glass-enclosed portals and doughnuts. Maurice needs to become the hero he is destined to be to rescue his intended love Stephanie (Steve) and Theo Bernstein with the help or hindrance of Theo's brother Max, the dragon disposal team of the old man and Art and Maurice's nemesis George. less
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Zany, surreal, and very tongue-in-cheek. Reminiscent of Terry Pratchett.
Still just mildly perplexed by these.
Very fun and light-great beach read
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