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Assault Troopers (2013)

by Vaughn Heppner(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 4
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Extinction Wars
review 1: After reading just little of this book, I was going to write to B V Larson to see of he knew about this. After doing some research, I see they are friends and they have collaborated on book of separate short stories. I can tell they're friends. There's a lot of the same humor when it comes to some of the alien interactions. However good some of the parts were, it felt sloppy overall. There are some characters introduced that fall by the way side, the battle scenes were not explained enough to picture anything. (Ex. "Attack") Well, attack what, who, where?
review 2: Vaughn Heppner's got writing about battle in his blood. This is my second novel of his, and once started it got under my skin. I had to read it. Had to know what the hell this guy Creed would d
... moreo to survive another day and live up to his promise that he would make the scumbags who destroyed Earth pay. Creed is a former soldier and convict who wound up on a security detail at a base in Antarctica. Real hero, right? But this guy is more than his resume or rap sheet would lead you, the reader, to believe. His father was an ace pilot and daredevil who is the first to engage a massive space ship that shows up in the planet's orbit. Dad tries to make contact, but the aliens blast him out of the sky. Then they destroy most of Earth's major cities and send bio agent that wipes out all life. Some people survive. Creed commandeers an alien lander that has come to take human samples for a human army. Little of it makes sense to him. Somehow humanity's become ensnared in some corporate battle for dominance and a fight over religious relics. The opposition is tremendous. Humans are considered animals, and that pisses Creed off. Turns out it's not good to make him angry. A real page turner. less
Reviews (see all)
It was alright, but it would've been nice with a backstory on Creed.
A little campy, but I enjoyed it.
Rolicking sci-fi adventure.
This is such a dumb book.
Campy but good.
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