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The Lighthouse Keepers (2008)

by Adrian McKinty(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 2
0810970708 (ISBN13: 9780810970700)
Harry N. Abrams
Lighthouse Trilogy
review 1: It’s one year since the end of book 2. Everyone is trying to adjust to life back on Earth. Thaddeus come to Ireland to watch Jamie while his mom and Brian (!) go away for a vacation. Meanwhile psychics to work for the CIA get images of a boy who is destined to destroy the Earth. Agents search for the boy and come upon none other than Ksar (yes, he’s still alive, but in a coma!). They revive him and in the process, they get information that the boy in question is none other than Jamie. Chased by a CIA hit man, the boys, Ksar, Wishaway and Thaddeus recover the Salmon and go back to Altair. Of course, there’s another life-and-death struggle on Altair (when isn’t there??) and another decent battle scene. The book’s final few chapters redefine weird, however,... more when Jamie is visited by the aliens who created the Salmon and force Jamie to make a cosmos-changing choice....The author tried to make this into something much more than just the wrap-up of a trilogy. I think he would have been better off just trying for the wrap-up. CIA agents, hit-men, gypsies, psychics and (finally) the original aliens who built the Salmon of Knowledge all make appearances in this one. I think it was just a BIT too much to pack into one story.
review 2: I finished the last of The Lighthouse Land trilogy. It was an entertaining listen (audiobook) as I worked away at spring cleaning, but I would not rate it as a great series. Although I would label the genre of the series as sci-fi, there wasn't really a lot of science to it - merely suggestions of a possible other earth-like planets and travel to one through a wormhole, as well as some not fully described semi-ominipotent entities who only explained themselves as not being gods.My favorite character was Ramsey, because he was a well read young man who made easy referrals to literature he had read in the course of events throughout all three books. I didn't much care for characters, even minor ones, being killed so callously and don't think that added any quality to the story. The first book, The Lighthouse Land, seemed to me to be a good title, but the others (The Lighthouse War and The Lighthouse Keepers) really did not capture what the story was to be about. I think if the author had spent more time in crafting these stories he could have produced much better novels with the potential that the idea of the plot presented.Another thing that struck me as being a little unusual was the mention of many contemporary (early 2000s) references such as Starbucks, Netflix, Google, Blackberry phones and LOTR movies. I think if these books are read 20 or 30 years from now, those references may be totally meaningless. Teens may enjoy these books. I don't think they would appeal much to younger kids or adults who enjoy good YA fiction. less
Reviews (see all)
I could hardly put this book down. I really got into the characters.
More excitement in this book. An interesting end, for sure!
Waiting for it to come out in Audio format.
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