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The Final Rule (2014)

by Adrienne Wilder(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 4
Adrienne Wilder
My Brother's Keeper
review 1: For me, this was one book in three parts so I'll review it that way. Was the writing perfect? No, but who cares when the idea was great and the expression was well done. I've never been a stickler for grammar and typos. Characters - loved, loved, and loved. Ellis was perfect for this role. He was so loving and patient. Definitely represented light well. Rudy just broke my heart. How do people anywhere treat others that way? Jon was amazing. A perfect mad balance for Ellis. Lenny was evil incarnate and I'm glad that the author didn't hold back because you adore the good guys. Bad things, really bad things, happen to good people. That's just life and the author respected that. Connection - it's there and runs deep. I was frustrated with how many times Ellis pulled or pushed... more away, but then I remembered his inexperience and realized that he doesn't know what to do with such a deep connection in a romantic way. Worth the money and time. Definite reread.
review 2: I thought the first two of Adrienne Wilder’s My Brother’s Keeper books were emotional. The Final Rule is an emotional roller coaster from beginning to end. Jon and Ellis have been so much in life. They’ve been traveling difficult roads for years, far before they met. Their happily ever after does not come easily or without many horrendously deep scars, but it is all part of the rules.By this time in the series Jon and Ellis are together and in love. This allows for the love story to take a step to the side as the horror steps forward. The Big and Terrible has caused much pain and must be stopped. The answers, which has got to be the most important reason to pick up this book, we readers are given all of them. Everything really does happen for a reason. The many different everythings was fascinating. Wilder created something uniquely different with these three books. Ellis and Jon start off on the sweet side of romance. Readers are introduced to three remarkable men that deserve only the good things life has to offer. She gives readers a little dab of dark. The second book pours on the heartache. The third book shows readers what gave that heartache to an unsuspecting small Georgia town. All in all it all well for me. less
Reviews (see all)
What a ride. If you haven't read any other of Ms Wilder's books, they are all very good.
The end to a good series. I loved it.
The final book was a bit convoluted
Fitting ending.
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