May Books

Afternoon Tea at the Sunflower Café by Milly Johnson

I have read a few of Milly Johnson’s books before but for some reason I always kept putting this book off. I was never in the mood for it and turns out I did not really enjoy this book. It felt too much of a chore to finish it, but I did finish it. I will be honest though, I did struggle to read this but it is a good piece of work and I did enjoy it in the end. The story kind of reminds me of the movie “The Other Woman”.


Fractured by Dani Atkins

This book starts off a little strange, but it tells of the events of Rachel’s apparent life, the life that really happened and the life that she wanted to happen. It is a gripping story from start and the twist at the end is not even expected as all. I thoroughly enjoyed this rather short book (less than 290 pages).


Flawed by Cecelia Ahern

I have not read a teen dystopia book for a good few years, but I had been hearing so much about this book I decided to give it a go. This has got to be one of the best books i have read so far this year. There are honestly no words to describe how incredible and on the edge of your seat this book is. You cannot help but root for Celestine North and her unexpected fight with the Guild.


Alice Bliss by Laura Harrington

This book is fully written in a series of diary entries and while the blurb makes it sound like a rather interesting story, I found the book itself to be rather long and boring. I just did not find this book interesting at all.


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