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Day Of The Predator (2010)

by Alex Scarrow(Favorite Author)
4.07 of 5 Votes: 3
014132693X (ISBN13: 9780141326931)
review 1: A podarilo sa mi to aj dočítať. Neverím. :D Bolo to naozaj dobré. Dinosaurov som mala vždy rada (brat ma s tým nakazil). Autor proste vie narábať so slovami a vždy dosiahne, aby som sa dobre zabávala a celý čas ostala v napätí :) Şok ani tento krát nechýbal, dokonca toto prekonalo moje očakávanie (kamarátka ma informovala, že zažijem menší infarkt)! Tá posledná veta (nečítajte ju skôr!) bola perfektná! Teraz chcem trojku! (Prečo musí byť v knižnici na to toľko rezervácií?!) Počas tých rokoch, čo čítam som sa stretla s rôznymi knihami a s rôznymj tajomstvami/záhadami. Veľmi veľa z nich sa mi podarilo vyriešiť ešte pred tým, ako to bolo v knihe. Ale na toto sa nedalo prísť! Neviem či ti len v poslednej chvíli vymyslel a... morelebo to vie jednoducho tak dobre skyť, ale vážne je to úžasný autor. Odporúčam jeho knihy :D
review 2: I would give this book a rating of 5 out of 5 stars. The theme is compromise. The TimeRiders are a group of teenagers who travel through time trying to fix time contamination. They are trying to stop Edward Chan, who invented time travel, from being assassinated before he can. If time travel is not invented, then it would fix all the mistakes in history, but then the TimeRiders (Liam, Maddy, and Sal) would all die because time travel saved them from their supposed deaths. Another example is how they end up killing off a race of intelligent dinosaurs to keep them from dominating the earth. It is sad that they have killed off a potential species, but they can't let them destroy the world as we know it. In both examples, they have to make decisions that will affect the world. They have to compromise, and hope they did the right thing.The author shows that its dangerous to mess with time, and we should be careful about protecting our earth. Their support unit, Bob, is an lab grown AI, a "meat robot." he has trouble making decisions, and when Sal asks him if he enjoys Harry Potter, it takes him a full minute to decide he likes the magic. Later, when they use that word as a codeword, he doesn't remember anything special about the word "magic". That is symbol for how hard it is to create a "human"that is a machine. This book is a great read for anyone who loves time travel. less
Reviews (see all)
better than the first book but still a bit off in the end. Time is confusing...
Not bad. The end was kind of a mindfuck. But it's also pretty brilliant.
This book is very interesting because it has a lot of adventurous times.
Great book for a middle school boy who loves dinosaurs.
Just as awesome as the first.
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