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La Prophétie Maya (2014)

by Alex Scarrow(Favorite Author)
4.23 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Less like TimeRiders and more like Tomb Raiders, this edition of the series has some significant story updates with just a smattering of time travel thrown in. This book really started to make me question some of the time travel logic - something you can't do too much of in any story of the genre - but ultimately you just go with it and enjoy the ride.There was a lot more emotion involved in this one, particularly for poor Maddy, at one point I really did wonder how much more anybody would be able to take without collapsing into a complete mess. Interesting concepts though, well handled, and leading the way to the final book without too much of a cliffhanger, but enough questions left to be answered. Good stuff.
review 2: It was bad that this book bought me my
... morefriend because I did not read any of the previous time raiders. At first it was all what? and who are they? but in the 60. site I started to get a grip on the whole storyline. When Maddy started to have a crush on Adam...oh well, that kept me reading. I read how their friendship deepened, how they slowly started to see more in themselves. It was a huge bommer that Sal had to die out of nowhere, with no good-bye or anything and it was a bommer that Adam had to die too. I hope that he is alive but I think that in the eyes of Alex Scarrow he is already dead.Now I wait for the 9. book and I am prepared that it will blow all of my expectations. less
Reviews (see all)
Took a while, but I've finished it. And now I really want the next book.
Awesome, can't wait for the last book to arrive in my Kindle!
NOOOOO ADAM!!!!! Dammit Sal! How could you!!!!!
Awesome book waiting4 the next....
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