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Nagvansh (2013)

by Amish Tripathi(Favorite Author)
4.47 of 5 Votes: 2
9382503560 (ISBN13: 9789382503569)
R.R.Sheth & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Shiva Trilogy
review 1: The author has shown great imagination in writing book and used words in simple and easy way. It has spiritual touch. I loved the talks between Shiva and Vasudevs about how the "the change is only constant in life" and how the duality is necessary for maintains balance. Evil is not evil until it reaches to rise to total annihilation. Laws and orders are good only when are strong, while declining it gives birth to greed and corruption. Lots of other important ways of life were revealed. Highly recommended.
review 2: Amish Tripathi certainly has a way with words. This book gives you chills at every turn of a page. Completely untainted by monotony or repetition, the story flows, in an almost mellifluous way, packed with suspense at every turn, leaving the reader t
... moreotally enthralled and flummoxed and craving for more. The picturesque description of the beautiful kingdoms, temples, the characters and the fights elevates the reader's interest in Hindu mythology. Needless to say, my favorite character is the valiant, powerful and big-hearted Shiva, whose multi-layered persona has been brought out very well by the talented writer. All I can say is that I would most certainly recommend this book to any interested reader! less
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no particular feeling. but enough to tell me that I dont have to read the #3 in series
Secret...Best from this book: Coin has two side... Good and Bad...
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