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Un Aiuto D'amore (2013)

by Andrew Grey(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 1
1623800692 (ISBN13: 9781623800697)
Dreamspinner Press
Of Love
review 1: One of the things I've learned from reading the bazillion romance novels I've torn through this year, opposites attract and the most unlikely pairings, end up working out in the end. At least that's how it happens in books. I'm almost positive that it isn't that easy in real life, even if I am desperately hoping that it is.You guys really don't care about this, but I'm going to spill it anyway. This last week we had a regional meeting in Kansas City, MO. Our region is actually pretty damn huge, so it was only store managers from four of our districts. One of those other store managers is from a town in North Dakota, and as of right now, I have huge crush on him. Which is my head, makes entirely no sense. He's not my normal type, if I even have one anymore, and he li... moreves 799 miles away. Yes, I looked up the distance on Google maps. Regardless of how much I'm telling myself that this is the stupidest thing in the world, I can't get him out of my head. I was pretty sure it was mutual, I was able to friend him on FB before the meeting was over, but I was too damn scared to ask for his number. We did exchange numbers, via FB later on, and my chickeness was reciprocated. So at least I knew that part was mutual. We have texted back and forth once sine then, Saturday night, and because I have a big mouth, I admitted that I wanted to kiss him a ridiculous amount of times Wed. night, but again I was too chicken to do anything about it then. He said he felt the same way, so once again I was vindicated, at least in the sense that I wasn't completely out on a limb on this whole thing. We haven't talked since, but we are both swamped at work right now, him more than me, and I'm not thinking we will talk, until later on this week.I'm not sure where this will go, if it will go anywhere, but I'm at least willing to give it a chance right now. I"m not sure that I would have done the same thing last year. I think reading all of these romances has done away with some of the more cynical sides of me, and at least allows me to remember what it was like when I went into every situation with an open mind,. A time when I didn't prejudge everything, and hoped for the best possible outcome. I guess you could say that reading romances, has given my sense of romance back to me.I guess I should get to the book at some point in time, and quit talking about myself. But what I said about the first two books in this series, still holds ture. I adore the characters that Andrew Grey creates, and Peter and Russ are no different in that. I love them by themselves, and I love them as a couple.They are the kind of couple that doesn't make sense on paper. They are both damaged, though in different ways, and have issues that most people would run away from, or at least make them take a long pause. But they click together so well, it's hard for either one of them to walk away. They get through all their messes, and by the end, in true romance fashion, live happily ever after.
review 2: “Non ho mai creduto che un uomo come te potesse innamorarsi di me.” Russ lo attirò a sé. “L’unica ragione per cui hai dovuto aspettare così tanto per trovare qualcuno è che stavi aspettando me,”L'unica pecca di questo terzo episodio della serie Of love è il finale, davvero affrettato e che lascia in sospeso un paio di cose. A parte questo, ancora una volta l'autore si lancia con abilità in temi delicati: la disabilità di Peter (che inaspettatamente l'ha reso un uomo migliore e indipendente, dall'atleta dongiovanni e superficiale che era), le violenze domestiche e il successivo stalker subito da Russ dal suo compulsivo ex ragazzo, la leucemia e l'adozione che coinvolgono la famiglia di Peter. Il rapporto tra i due è davvero molto dolce e ovviamente non privo di incertezze: Peter dall'incidente che lo ha inchiodato sulla sedia a rotelle è abituato ad essere invisibile, la gente di lui vede solo la sedia e mai l'uomo perciò non riesce a credere che per Russ sia amore e non pietà o "rimpiazzo" o gentilezza; a sua volta Russ deve superare la difficile relazione con Barry, il suo violento ex, e riassaporare finalmente la libertà e l'indipendenza anche se il senso di colpa, la paura e il rimorso cercano più volte di minare il rapporto tra i due e la sua nuova fiducia di sé. Ma insieme i due uomini possono essere davvero se stessi, non una sedia in carrozzella nè una vittima ma solo Peter e Russ, una coppia innamorata e felice *_* Come sempre ritroviamo tutti i personaggi dei libri precedenti (Russ è il nuovo chef di Darryl per il suo nuovo ristorante e Peter il suo fornitore...e Billy come sempre è la mamma chioccia di tutti XD) con mia grande soddisfazione! ^_^ less
Reviews (see all)
I didn't like this story as much as the first two in this series. It was a bit blah.
Engaging, sweet story with likeable MCs. Very nice continuation of the series.
It was really cute reading material.
Loved it.
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