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St-st-stuffed (2012)

by Anyta Sunday(Favorite Author)
3.75 of 5 Votes: 5
Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
Enemies to Lovers
review 1: Es más aburrido, lento y denso que el anterior. De nuevo la historia en conjunto no está mal, pero tiene capítulos en los que pensé seriamente dejar el libro (de hecho, lo dejé por una tarde para releerme otro relato corto :P)No termina de convencerme la línea de tiempo. Si no recuerdo mal, los protagonistas se supone que tienen entre 6 y 7 años en el primer libro. Han pasado unos 20 años, sin embargo esto no se deja ver en la historia. Ambas están ambientadas en el presente. No es que quiera que la autora se ponga a hablar de coches voladores y viajes espaciales, pero 20 años son muchos. Creo que debería haber tirado de un poquito de imaginación respecto a la tecnología, las pequeñas cosas cotidianas, y sobre todo las circunstancias sociales. El comportamien... moreto de la sociedad respecto a la homosexualidad no es la misma hoy que hace 10 años y creo que en 20 años será algo completamente distinto.
review 2: Good story, but I wish the writing were betterWarning: This review might contain what some people consider SPOILERS. Rating: 5/10PROS: - I liked the premise: that a boy who’d been made fun of would grow into a hunk of a man and be attractive to someone who used to torment him as a child.- Paul’s tendency to stutter when he’s excited or nervous is cute. It reminds Karl repeatedly of the men’s history.- Some of the actions and comments of Paul’s son, Charlie, are pretty amusing. And I was glad that Karl didn’t just sail through all of his initial interactions with Charlie without messing up. That wouldn’t have been realistic considering Karl’s lack of experience with kids.CONS:- The writing is awkward. Some of the phrasing sounds British (“car park” rather than “parking lot”), some sounds American (“cell” rather than “mobile”), and some just sounds…weird. Sometimes words are misused (“I’m going to premise this with a request” should be “PREFACE this…”; “Charlie scoffed three waffles” should be “scarfed”; etc.). There are even some sections that I struggled to understand at all, like this: “He’d felt a little shy. And a little bit more. A really very little bit.”- The narrative voice sounds a bit too conversational and stream-of-consciousness for a story written in third person. It comes across as jumpy or stilted quite often.- I found the names “Karl” and “Paul” to be a bit too similar (both are one syllable, and they almost rhyme). They made the story a bit difficult to read quickly.Overall comments: The story here is solid, but I couldn’t get past the writing. Aside from the general awkwardness of it, it also drives me crazy when writers attempt to spell mumblings phonetically (examples: “Myyah” and “Omigngf”). less
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Really enjoyed this one! It was a fun, sweet read.
I really enjoyed this story!
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