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The Christmas Party (2014)

by Carole Matthews(Favorite Author)
4.1 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I have to say, Carle Matthews is definitely one of my go to authors for Christmas books, and she has never disappointed me. This was one of those, funny, slightly deranged and yet sad at points this is just what I have come to expect from her. Mia has to be the best child in books I've ever read, she was sweet and funny, and incredibly smart. I do have a few questions after finishing the story though, some ends were left hanging, I wanted to know what happened to Tyler, and how long it took people to find Lance, and how people reacted to that. On the whole a story that makes you want a glass of mulled wine in one hand and a slice of Christmas cake in the other.
review 2: I finished reading The Christmas Party by Carole Matthews the other day but haven't had cha
... morence to write a review. i enjoyed this book although it did take me a little while before I could 'get into it' and begin to lose myself in the plot. The main plot centres around The works Christmas Party and follows the effects that one night can have on several different characters. i must admit I didn't warm to all the characters and found it difficult to emphasise with them. not a bad read though but not one of Carole Matthews best in my opinion. less
Reviews (see all)
Another well written tale from Carole Matthews. It just didn't finish well for me as a reader.
Brilliant! I'll come back later to write more, not in the mood now...sorry...
absolutely loved this story and it all happened in one night!
Enjoyed this but felt the ending was a bit of a let down
fabulous as always - truly did not disappoint
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