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Soul Mate (2000)

by Catherine Bybee(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I really enjoyed this story. Summing it up, it was short, sharp and sexy. Kari was a lovely strong female character that was perfectly matched with Nick as the male. What I found really fun and new was the twist that the FBI played in the story. Since I dig werewolves as much, well OK, more than most people, I would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes strong characters, sweet sweet love or super hot steamy love scenes! Excellent job by Catherine Bybee. --Brandi, The One Hundred Romances Project
review 2: Most werewolf stories focus on the 'infection' - the events leading up to and following the change, the how and why and the nechanics of it. In Soul Mate, while the were aspect is vital to the story and Kari is perhaps the most lupine character I
... more have ever met, the nitty-gritty of lycanthropy does not overshadow plot and character development.Ms. Bybee does a wonderful job with the slow reveal, allowing the reader to discover the characters in a natural progression rather than having them dumped in the reader's lap, no mean feat for a short piece. Through dialogue and interaction, we become privy to Kari's necessary wariness, her suspicion, her purposeful walls, while Nick, who appears a touch arrogant and invasive at first, reaveals his courage, hsi persistence and a steadfastness worthy of a tin soldier. A fast-paced, smoothly progressing read, this is not your typical werewofl story. Laced with humor and moemnts of heated sensuality, it's well worth the time to devour. less
Reviews (see all)
Loved Nick. It would have been a 5 star had it been longer.
Short,Interesting,Erotic and Werewolf ..so yeah!Liked it!
I loved the story and only wished it could be longer!
Quick novella and very good
2.5 stars
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