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The Prince Of Ravenscar (2012)

by Catherine Coulter(Favorite Author)
3.37 of 5 Votes: 1
0515151157 (ISBN13: 9780515151152)
review 1: Prince of Ravenscar by Catherine Coulter. It was okay, a lot of silly dialog but I did like that the 2 main female characters were pretty strong women, especially for 1831. I listened to this book and though the reader, Anne Flosnik, has a lovely speaking voice she doesn't do a good job with the characters' voices. One of the women sounded a male character throughout the book and very often it was difficult to tell when she switched characters speaking. A pretty typical start to the story, 2 men - Lord Julian (the "Prince") and Earl Devlin are attending the London season. Also there are 2 young women being presented by Julian's mother who hopes that Julian will marry the young Sophie. Sophie's maidenly aunt (all of 27), Roxanne, is along as Sophie's chaperone. Some silly... more adventures happen along with some silly dialog but there is actually a plot that runs through the book that presents quite a twist at the end. That saved the book for me. I can't say that I would seek out any of Coulter's other books but if I see another audio book and I was desperate for something to listen to I would pick it up at the library.
review 2: A typical romance that I failed to completely get into. First of all, I was hoping the couples would align slightly differently. I thought Julian and Roxanne were better suited together instead of Julian and Sophie. Secondly, I felt like I never got to really know several characters. I truly appreciate knowing a character's background and a psychological depth to the story, but this novel merely skims the surface rather than digging in deep. Finally, the author must have a strange sense of justice as the novel's conclusion reveals a murderer - whose punishment leaves something to be desired. All in all, not something I can warmly recommend. less
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Cute story. Made me think of the Masterpiece Theater I used to watch.
One of the more STUPID books I have read!!!
Fun romance novel. Entertaining
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