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On Such A Full Sea (2014)

by Chang-rae Lee(Favorite Author)
3.44 of 5 Votes: 1
1594486107 (ISBN13: 9781594486104)
Riverhead Hardcover
review 1: Aspects of B-Mor--especially the gradually unfolding creation story of the community and the way this community rebelled and then drifted back to the mean over time--were very interesting. I enjoyed the narrator's voice; it was fresh and different. It was also fun trying to guess at who the narrator might be. However, our heroine's adventure was a bit of a 5-cent tour of post-apocalyptic tropes. Oh, here's the impossibly safe and normal place which will be destroyed while we watch. Ah, here's the redneck cannibal. There's the very civilized home, secretly filled with enslaved victims of mental torture.
review 2: I think I liked it:) Anymore, I have so much difficulty giving my full attention to a book so I have trouble deciding if it's the book or me. I
... more will say that even when the book was due back at the library after a second renewal (yes, I take way too long to read books anymore), I bought it on my Nook because I wanted to finish it. I guess I want someone else's take on the ending - I was really hoping that it was going to end on a positive note...but that didn't really happen:/ less
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One of the more imaginative books I've read in a long time.
Pretty good book... Kinda confusing though XD
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