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The Mystic Arts Of Erasing All Signs Of Death (2009)

by Charlie Huston(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 4
034550111X (ISBN13: 9780345501110)
Ballantine Books
review 1: If you like a story about a anti-hero who doesn't mind getting messy and does stupid things for a girl, then this is a book you should read. Mystic Art is a fast pace crime novel that dives into the world of death scene cleanups. The main character, Web, is a good hearted likable dick whose wisecracks and disses will make you laugh and smile. The story follows his path into the business of clearing up death and all the unsavory characters and choices that come along with the job. Once you get into the book, it becomes a fast read where you want to know what happens next. The book is mostly written in character dialogue, which at first is confusing to figure out because of the writing style. But after a chapter or two, one picks up the flow naturally. I enjoyed reading this... more book and can't wait until it becomes a movie so I can watch all the action on the screen.
review 2: Not usually my genre of choice. Thought I'd try something new. First impression? Hmmmmm.... The pacing is choppy and the dashes in place of parentheses for dialogue (for style points?) is a bit distracting. But after a few pages I got used to it. That said, it is gritty, grisly and has a lot of rough language. Very Pulp Fictionesque. If this is real life in LA, no thanks. But for fiction, its a page turner. And somehow Charlie Huston got me to actually like these horrid people. Those that enjoy Huston and crime noir, this is a must read. Not my cup of tea mind you -- but an interesting one time diversion. less
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Where's part II? I was ready for more escapades--a mystery to solve etc.
Strange but interesting little story.
Fun, fast read.
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