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The Blood Of Gods (2013)

by Conn Iggulden(Favorite Author)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 1
0007271174 (ISBN13: 9780007271177)
Harper Collins
review 1: I was really excited when I heard that this was being released. And I wasn't disappointed. A lot of books that are add on's to a series can feel like they've been written for money or just don't fit the style of the rest of the series, but this felt like it was always intended to be written.Even though Brutus was the enemy in Field of Swords and for part of The Gods of War it was odd seeing him as a full blown enemy for the entire book. The new character of Agrippa was very well written and gave the book a bit of grit.As with the other books in the series there was a bit of humour and parts that make you chuckle, sat perfectly alongside parts that are extremely serious and quite emotional.I'm not sure there's any plans for Conn to write more about Augustus but I sincerely ... morehope there are. There's no doubt that the fractious relationship between Octavian and Mark Anthony that was hinted at in this book could provide plenty of fantastic material for future books.
review 2: An enjoyable end to Conn's Caesar books (if it is the end), and if you've read and liked the previous ones you'll certainly enjoy this. The book walks a good in making a complex historical and political situation interesting and engaging for readers who would have no prior understanding of either the situations or previous novels.The characters were as fascinating as they should be and the intrigues and battles were well written and drew me into the scope of the scenes and how they must have felt to the main characters.The only slight issue I had with the book was that it was so brief, the story of the aftermath of the assasination of Caesar and the start of the second triumvirate could cover another trilogy easily. less
Reviews (see all)
Interesting read of the history of Rome after the assassination of Julius Ceasar.
He had been the best of generation, but it had not been enough.
A perfect final book to an amazing series.
to short
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