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What Darkness Brings (2013)

by C.S. Harris(Favorite Author)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 5
045123927X (ISBN13: 9780451239273)
New American Library
Sebastian St. Cyr
review 1: Sebastian and hero get involved with the disappearance of a large blue diamond originating from the French royal jewels, and of course there is the usual cast of characters and great detail. These books are great fun, easy reads, good characters, nice tidbits of regency history and thoroughly enjoyable escapes. A bit overdone on the tension between the two protagonists, but this seems to be resolving. Love Jarvis, but am always a sucker for the bad boy.
review 2: Yup. Still LOVE this series. Some thoughts: Hero's character develops even further, as she's torn between her father and her husband. Sebastian still has feelings for Kate, and is developing/has developed feelings for Hero. He still feels betrayed by his father. Gibson still doesn't sound Irish, but
... more I don't mind. The mystery is dark and has roots in historical events. Jarvis is still the spider at the center of the web of intrigue and plots. less
Reviews (see all)
As usual, fun, lots of adventure. A murder mystery that kept me in the dark until the very end.
took 2/3 to get going but ended well. will read the next one before deciding on the series.
Enjoyed! Good mystery. I'm really enjoying Sebastian and Hero's growing relationship.
This series is very enjoyable to me. Want to know what is next for these characters.
I loved the Hope diamond story as part of the book.
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