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The Forgotten (2012)

by David Baldacci(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 4
0446573051 (ISBN13: 9780446573054)
Grand Central Publishing
John Puller
review 1: I like Baldacci so when I was looking for an audio book for my drive back and forth to work, it was a no brainer! Once again I was drawn into the book, so much so, I found myself sitting in the driveway trying to get to a good stopping point. The audio version was done with sound effects and the actors did a great job with the various voices.Army Special Agent John Puller is the best there is. A combat veteran, Puller is the man the U.S. Army relies on to investigate the toughest crimes facing the nation. Now he has a new case—but this time, the crime is personal: His aunt has been found dead in Paradise, Florida.A picture-perfect town on Florida’s Gulf Coast, Paradise thrives on the wealthy tourists and retirees drawn to its gorgeous weather and beaches. The local pol... moreice have ruled his aunt’s death an unfortunate, tragic accident. But just before she died, she mailed a letter to Puller’s father, telling him that beneath its beautiful veneer, Paradise is not all it seems to be.Found out this book is part of a series, this is book two. I have book three on hold (audio version) can't wait.
review 2: If David Baldacci stuck to one crime novel hero, I would have probably given up on him a long time ago. As things stand, the protagonists are just different enough to keep me coming back, and while I don’t know that John Puller will ever be one of my favorites (he’s too cookie-cutter,) The Forgotten was a good read indeed and much better than Zero Day.This time the setting is Paradise, Florida, and to no one’s surprise, paradise is not everything it’s cracked up to be. Puller’s grown accustomed to cracking cases for the Army, but when the murder victim is his own aunt, training may not be enough to keep him alive as he looks for the responsible killers. In Paradise, the killers are responsible for a lot more than the death of a few meddling casualties.Mace Perry from Baldacci’s True Blue is still my favorite protagonist. Will Robie’s probably a close second, and while Puller comes in at a distant fourth behind Shaw, he’s still interesting enough for me to wonder what will become of him in the soon to be released third novel in this series.In my personal opinion, you don’t have to read Zero Day to enjoy The Forgotten. less
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Not quite 4 stars but better than 3. I was intrigued from the beginning.
Lots of fictional people die, many needlessly in this thriller
A page turner!!
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