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Skulduggery Pleasant - The Faceless Ones (2009)

by Derek Landy(Favorite Author)
4.4 of 5 Votes: 5
000730577X (ISBN13: 9780007305773)
Skulduggery Pleasant
review 1: Skulduggery the thirdSkulduggery is a detective with a bit of a twist, skulduggery is a skeleton who lives in the human realm where humans are unaware that magical powers are real. Mr Skulduggery is currently investigating the deaths of numerous tele porters. He and his apprentice suspect the diablerie (the antagonists) are responsible for the murders. While they are looking for the diablerie, the mythical police are looking for them because of the robbery in the head police offices.In my opinion this book is just mind blowing, there is a lot of pure movie-like action happening throughout the book. I think the author did a good job in making the readers sit on the edge of their seats waiting for the next event to happen, however they could have focused more on the main cha... moreracter, almost giving them a brief introduction. Reducing the amount of characters in the plot could really hold the readers interest even more because there wouldn't be too much to focus on. There would be more action and deeper relationships between the characters.I would strongly recommend this book to all the reluctant readers because when you have a book like this, it just makes you want to read it more and more and more. I also would recommend this book to people who are just getting into reading fantasy books because this will hold your interest for a long time. It’s a series too.
review 2: This is the third book in the Skulduggery Pleasant series, and they just keep getting better and better as the series continues. I was on the edge of my seat the whole book, and it ends with a cliffhanger so I cannot wait to read the next book. This had a lot more violence than the first two books, and some of it is graphic. I was wincing a lot during the action scenes. I also laughed aloud, and got teary eyed. This book took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions and I loved every moment of it. This series is classified as a children's series, but I think it's more young adult. Due to the violence, the adult humor, and there were a few cuss words. Mainly "damn" and "hell." I love all the characters (even the bad guys), and there were some new additions in this book and they just added to the story. If you haven't read the first two books go and read them, and you will be hooked on this series like I am. less
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This third book of the series was back on track with the funny dialogue, but also kept up with the action of the second book. Someone is once again trying to bring back the Faceless Ones and it is up to Valkyrie and Skulduggery to stop them. Unfortunately, they are fugitives and they do not have the backing of the council like they used to. That's what happens when you accuse the guy in charge of being a traitor!
This third book of the series was back on track with the funny dialogue, but also kept up with the action of the second book. Someone is once again trying to bring back the Faceless Ones and it is up to Valkyrie and Skulduggery to stop them. Unfortunately, they are fugitives and they do not have the backing of the council like they used to. That's what happens when you accuse the guy in charge of being a traitor!
I love Derek Landy's sense of humor in these books!
I bloody love this series.
Intense and AMAZING!
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