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Darkness All Around (2011)

by Doug Magee(Favorite Author)
3.14 of 5 Votes: 4
1439154023 (ISBN13: 9781439154021)
review 1: Doug Magee’s Darkness All Around is an engrossing story about a small town whose inhabitants get more than they could ever imagine – and not in a good way – when a man returns from the dead to confess to a murder.Risa loses her first husband to alcoholism. Her second is bent on winning political office. Her son is a high-school football star who may take too much enjoyment in hitting his opponents… She’s not happy, but goes along with the flow anyway. Then Sean comes back to town, convinced that he murdered her best friend all those years ago. She doesn’t believe him, but how do you argue with the memory of a reforming alcoholic?So she does what she thinks is best – she gets the local reporter to investigate the murder. And in doing so, opens a whole can of w... moreorms…This is a fabulous study of character, conviction, and desire; where greed doesn’t apply to material things, and psyches obscure the difference between wants and needs. The story is human, the plot well-formulated, and the villain unexpected. You’ll not regret picking this one up.drey’s rating: Excellent!
review 2: Darkness All AroundBy Doug MageeThis book grips the reader right from the first page and keeps that grip tight until the last page. The plot is stronger than the character which feel a bit stereotyped. This is not a police procedural or an amateur detective mystery, just a woman trying to understand what happened to her life and her love. She lost her true love to drink and disappearance, but she married her second-best friend and has had a good marriage. He is good to her and good to her son.She is consciously disturbed by the violence she sees in her son as he plays football and wonders if it is learned behavior or something more sinister. She learns her first love and former husband has returned and he is sober and claiming he killed her best friend before he disappeared. Her current husband, Mr Second Best, is a politician in the midst of an important campaign and the last thing he wants is the reappearance of the long declared dead husband who thinks he is a murderer. This plot line continues through the book, with twists and turns, complete with gun-happy crazies, chase scenes and unrequited love.The climactic end is a little implausible, but it does not spoil the fun getting there. This is an especially good book to have along if you are on a long flight or sitting in the doctor’s office because once you start, you won’t want to put it down. less
Reviews (see all)
Great story about lost love and second chances. Enough mystery and surprises to keep you reading.
A master who done it!!!Two mysteries intertwined and two creepy husbands - one ex, one current.
Took awhile to get into this book. Enjoyed it after the first several chapters.
Pretty good but I thought it would be better.
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