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Body Check (2009)

by Elle Kennedy(Favorite Author)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 4
0373794622 (ISBN13: 9780373794621)
review 1: 2.5 stars. Brody and Hayden. Brody was cool, and I liked that he was from working class roots. I had problems with the heroine. Her characterization was all over the place, and she was suffering a bit from the too stupid to live syndrome. We learn Hayden hates hockey after growing up competing with it for her coach father's attention, but I find it very improbable that she would not have known the names of the star hockey players on the team her father now owns. Also, how can she be so sure about her father's innocence in the various accused scandals, when she has already harped on how he doesn't know her anymore/she doesn't know him anymore? Lots of assumptions made here that all pan out to be false. I believe the author is Canadian, so I suspect she grew up knowing about... more hockey, yet I felt a lot of her references to the game were off. I've really enjoyed the Out of Uniform series from this author, but not this one so much. I believe she's grown tremendously in her writing since this early Harlequin.
review 2: That book would really deserve its 3.5 stars, but I'll settle for 4 as I've been quite difficult and unsatisfied with quite a few reads recently.This is a quite short story - only 140 pages, and I must confess that I was very weary before starting it. The overall story-line has nothing original in it; the characters are also not really new. However everything worked out extremely fine and I really enjoyed seeing how Brody and Hayden's feelings developed, how they changed and matured. I really thought it was very romantic and realistic. I love it when at the end of the book I have no problem picturing the couple 10, 20 or even 50 years down the road. less
Reviews (see all)
Enjoyable quick read. Loved the main characters and a good storyline.
I enjoyed the romance, but the scandal subplot felt half-baked.
I love it! the best part was the end! It made me so happy!
Minimal read, typical Harlequin.
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