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False Mermaid (2010)

by Erin Hart(Favorite Author)
3.83 of 5 Votes: 5
Nora Gavin
review 1: Nora Gavin has given up bog people to finally discover what really happened to Tríona, who was brutally murdered. I really enjoyed this book in the series. The ending seemed forced and happened so quickly. The whole book was building up to that moment and then it was over. Nora's brother-in-law is one scary man and a great manipulator. Nora needs to realize that Cormac is the one for her. Loved the scenes between Cormac and his dad.
review 2: In general, I liked this Nora Gavin book better than the first two. Nora was not nearly as annoying or whiny as in the first two. I really think I've stayed with the series because I like Cormac so much, and because I find the detectives that lurk on the periphery to be engaging, as well. I did find the final revelations
... moreabout Peter Hallett a bit over the top. I'm okay with selkies and the magic of hazel knots, but I just didn't buy Hallett's perversions. I'm not sure why the disconnect, but the final revelations and the last scene that included Hallett just didn't ring as true as other elements in the series. That being said, I'll read the next book in the series, The Book of Killowen, when I get a chance. I look forward to the return to Ireland, and I'm curious to see if Nora will become less wearisome in this new chapter of her life. less
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