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The Braque Connection (2013)

by Estelle Ryan(Favorite Author)
4.29 of 5 Votes: 5
1492241687 (ISBN13: 9781492241683)
Genevieve Lenard
review 1: I think people who leave negative book reviews should inhabit one of the lowest circles of hell... That said, while I've found her series entertaining, if you're an "art nerd" (like me), that understands Cubism, the term "under painting", and/or the methods of analyzing a painting...this one might well drive you bonkers. I'd recommend reading the others in the series, and skipping this one. And yes, I know by writing this I'm damning myself. :(
review 2: Kubanov is back... with a vengeance. Dr. Genevieve Lenard is pushed to her limits by Kubanov, who's been studying her and seems to constantly be 1 step ahead, taunting and teasing her with his riddles. Showing her how he can ruin her friends and team.But Kubanov seems to be off his game. Something's not right.
... moreAll that Dr. G knows about him, and Kubanov's behavior is anything but predictable. The previous patterns don't hold true anymore. You can feel Genevieve's tension rising throughout the book - her sense of responsibility. She's still finding her way through her relationships, especially with Colin. You can see her slowly falling apart, and you grieve and worry for her.Taut, suspenseful, genius! less
Reviews (see all)
Good end to the trilogy, with more stories to come. Highly enjoyed all three books!
Book 3-Continued interesting drama. e-book. read 2014. See Amazon review.
I'm really enjoying these characters! Off to start the 4th book!
Entertaining series.
Loved it!
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