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The Boys #12: Las Putas Puertas Abajo (2013)

by Garth Ennis(Favorite Author)
4.18 of 5 Votes: 1
Norma Editorial (Dynamite Entertainment)
The Boys
review 1: The last volume: wraps up all ends, commits surprises, among many other crimes, makes one sad because of all the deaths, (this may be one of the most emotional and bloody of all the volumes), but at the end, the world goes on, sometimes happy, sometimes just keeping up with the daily crap. I was sad to know The Boys were over, but happy too.Go read the whole series. It's definitely over the top in many cases, but it isn't the usual superhero drudgey stuff.
review 2: I sigh a sigh of relief. After being worried about the simplistic morality this series seemed to rely on during its penultimate volume, the grand finale of "The Boys" does exactly as I cautiously hoped for and takes all the black and white it previously invited us to believe in and turns it into a c
... moreomplex spectrum of shades of gray. I knew Garth Ennis often drives his point across in a daring manner, inviting the readers to identify with simplistic worldviews just before exposing their fragility. He does it again and he does it well."The Bloody Doors Off" isn't the very best volume of the series but it comes close. The plausible moral ambiguities, surprising plot twists and defining character finales make it a worthy ending for an often uneven but ultimately intelligent series that was never afraid to rely on shock value but was never afraid to challenge the reader either. less
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The ending comes a bit too fast, still, this is a solid 5-star series
A great ending to a great series.
Sad to see the end.
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