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Murder Takes The Cake (2008)

by Gayle Trent(Favorite Author)
3.3 of 5 Votes: 2
0980245362 (ISBN13: 9780980245363)
Bell Bridge Books
Daphne Martin Mystery
review 1: Every town has their local town gossip and holder of all information about everything and everyone that has done something less than stellar. But not everyone is asked to bake their first cake for their new business, just to find that the customer is that town's gossip, and Daphne's cake delivery finds her dead on her own couch. This is what happens to Daphne when she moves back to her hometown planning to start her cake baking business there. Rumor has it that Daphne's cake poisoned her customer. Finding connections to Daphne's families less than perfect past doesn't help either. She can either find the real murderer or say good bye to her yummy cakes. She does just that with the help of, Ben, the town's newspaper editor and Daphne's old "sweet treat". This is an in... moretriguing mystery with lots of fun additions. Family relations are perfectly portrayed with feelings or love, jealously, family togetherness, and a checkered pasts. Cakes are described so deliciously that I had to take cupcake breaks throughout the book. But best of all, the relationships between the town characters was priceless. Would I want to live in that town? I probable do if I knew all of my town's secrets. Great fun to read this start of the Daphne Martin Cake Mysteries. I listened to this on audio and really enjoyed the narration too.
review 2: Because of the title and the series category I expected a light-weight, kitchen-based, maybe chick-lit story for a day's entertainment. What I got was light-weight in tone and pace, kitchen-based with some interesting cake decorating vocabulary, and definitely good entertainment. But the plot wasn't light-weight chick-lit. This book uses some deftly integrated twists and relationship growth in several directions, and then brings them all together neatly for a very satisfying read. less
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3.5 This is everything I was looking for in a cozy. Light, quick, and fun characters.
A very light read - pleasant but a bit too fluffy.
Not a bad start to a new cozy series.
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