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The Silence Of The Wave (2011)

by Gianrico Carofiglio(Favorite Author)
3.54 of 5 Votes: 4
0847841251 (ISBN13: 9780847841257)
Rizzoli Ex Libris
review 1: The Silence of the Wave is the first book I've read by this author, and as more are translated, it will not be my last. Mystery? Thriller? Love story? And more. Roberto, a police officer whose focus for years was with undercover drug trade is, when we first meet him, numb and visits his psychiatrist every Monday and Thursday. In healing, he starts to recover his memories, meets Emma and ... well, please read this for yourself. I want more of this author!
review 2: Set in Rome, there are two main narrative strands to The Silence of the Wave, the latest novel from one of Italy’s best selling authors, Gianrico Carofiglio. The first tells the story of Roberto Marias whose traumatic experiences as an undercover policeman working inside drug cartels has led to
... more his suspension from duty and his need to seek psychiatric help. The second narrative concerns the twelve-year old boy Giacomo, his young love for a pretty classmate, and his nightly dreams of a utopian park he visits in the company of a talking dog named Scott. How these two immensely disparate stories eventually connect is one of the delights of this novel.Despite being so different, the voices of both Roberto and Giacomo are exceptionally strong and authentic, with Carofiglio being able to switch between the two with ease. He is also a master at unfolding his plot, teasing out just enough detail to keep the reader wanting more. His background as a prosecutor specializing in organized crime also means this novel is peppered with fascinating and dark accounts from the seedy and corrupt world of international drug dealers. Rome itself forms an interesting backdrop, with an homage to the film Roman Holiday and its star Audrey Hepburn.Yet for all the themes of crime, surfing, dreams, movies, talking dogs, young love and adult love, essentially this book is about ‘the stories of fathers and sons and their desperate search for each other.’ less
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Se questo libro ti fa sottolineare tante frasi sono due le cose, o � bello o sei da psicanalisi.
Ottima scrittura.Carofiglio è tornato ad essere gradevolissimo......!!!
"if you have to ask what jazz is you'll never know"
didn't read - wasn't interested
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