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Środek Ciężkości (2000)

by Ian Douglas(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 3
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review 1: I struggle between rating this a 2 or 3. I liked it, BUT it drags too much. The plot is good. I enjoy a good military SF story. My issue is while I like military SF, I do not want to get bogged down in the minutia. I like knowing that they use artificial singularities as a gravitational-based propulsion system, but I do not really want to get bogged down in repetitive, technical details. Each time the fighters were flying, too much time was spent, in my opinion, on the mechanics of how the ship operated. I would preferred much less of that and more actual story dealing with people/beings.
review 2: Ian Douglas imagines a well detailed, and scientifically plausible picture of the Galaxy. The story follows key characters in their search to find the shadowy
... more Sh'daar, who are the proclaimed masters of the Galaxy. Most impressive are his images of the diverse Aliens. They like us are made up of the elements of their planets, those on a primarily gaseous planet, are huge gas bags. No more grey people who look like us only with bald skin and big black eyes, or giant earth - like insects. This is the second in a series. I had no trouble picking up the story. less
Reviews (see all)
The whole series is a good fast read, heavy on the tech side and very light on the characters
not the best characters but a good concept and fun to read
Not bad at all... a nice read.
I like the 'gas bag' aliens.
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