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Saboteur (2001)

by James Luceno(Favorite Author)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 2
0345447352 (ISBN13: 9780345447357)
Star Wars: Darth Maul
review 1: This Star Wars: Episode I prequel novella (prequel of a prequel) gives a bit of background on the character of Darth Maul while filling in some of the gaps as Darth Sideous begins his plan to overcome the Republic. That being said, this is not a groundbreaking story, more of a real quick foray into the Star Wars universe and providing a first chapter introduction into Luceno's Cloak of Deception novel.
review 2: Overall not a bad read.One of the few fictions out there that shows a bit about Darth Maul as a character, this story allows us a look inside the relationship between Maul and his master. It also shows us his first real outting on his own, and how he employs his skills as both a Sith as well as a fighter. The only problem with the story seems to be with
... more POV, as there are times where Maul is listening to a room full of people and their expressions are described, something that Maul himself would not be able to observe in a third person tight POV. I found this to be distracting. The author is also obviously writing for existing fans, not new fans, and that means a lot of descriptions of aliens and the like are left out. (something that those who got into Star Wars through The Phantom Menace would need) Lastly, the action scenes are very short, and lack all but the most basic of descriptions that will leave people looking for hardcore fight scenes wanting a lot more. In the end though, not a bad read, and a good introduction to later books involving Maul. Worth the read if you have a short moment to read it, just don't go looking for something that will wow you with Maul. less
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Luceno delivers a solid short tale to begins to answer the question."Who is/was Darth Maul?"
it was short and good, a fun story about darth maul killing things lol
The ratio of setup and political intrigue to action was way too high.
I liked this book.. I liked both the Darth Maul stories..
It was a short read. looking forward to the next segment.
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