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Private India (2014)

by James Patterson(Favorite Author)
3.18 of 5 Votes: 1
1780891725 (ISBN13: 9781780891729)
review 1: James Patterson gets better and better with each book. I never knew the two of the renowned authors can pen down so beautifully. One american and the other Indian.This book was a page tuner itself, amazing read. Storyline: Story took place in Mumbai. The characters were well defined in first 100 pages. Santosh Wagh, the head of the Private India. His team includes forensic expert, medical guy, policewoman. Interestingly, all victims are women.The people who donno about Goddess Durga and its incarnation will know the logic behind it. Overall its a fun and interesting read. Recommend to all. A must read.
review 2: Some things should be kept private and this book was one of them. I just didn't like it much and couldn't get into it until the last 20 pages. Too
... moremany characters seemed to be aimlessly floating around and I just didn't seem to care. I think what made the first Private book so good was Jack Morgan. He does make an appearance here but it was not enough to save the book! Better luck next time! less
Reviews (see all)
This book sucked. The writing was absolutely terrible. I'm not sure why I bothered finishing it.
A little disjointed in places but an absolute winner in the end!!
Decent book but not as good as the other Private books I've read.
Keeping all the Indian names straight was not easy.
Fast paced
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