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Doctor Who Character Encyclopedia (2013)

by Jason Loborik(Favorite Author)
4.29 of 5 Votes: 2
1409325717 (ISBN13: 9781409325710)
DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
review 1: For a price tag of $16.99 you would expect a bit more information and detail about all the characters. Instead you get a REALLY brief summery. Things like "Data File: Playing Soccer Reason for Regenerating" and that is it for the 11th Doctor and all the other characters have the same "data profile" Nothing beyond the bare minimal. No stating of whether so and so is human or half human or Gallifreyan. No real detail on what happens with any of the long running companions (Leela's entry was a joke as it was so brief and saying primitive skin to wear is basically all you sum up with and the fact that a sewer rat almost took her down? Nothing about how she dealt or interacted with those who constantly underestimated her? Really? It has a picture of him with lines pointing at ... morehim of such "fascinating" tidbits like "drainpipe pants, tweed jacket and stylish quiff (for his hair)". That is it. No real detail. NO real information for a supposed "encyclopedia". Luckily, I got this through a used bookstore and used trade credit as otherwise I would be really annoyed if I had paid full price. As it is, It is nice to see pictures of all the old characters from before the 9th Doctor's run, but even then, not much info is given. It is more like a "briefer" to the show. Nice if you are new to it (though maybe spoilerish), but if you have watched it for a long time, it has nothing of real value. Great for Doctor Who completists or those new to the show. Or maybe even reference to what they wear as it seems to focus on that a lot. Very disappointed with the publisher DK as usually their stuff is pretty good.
review 2: Great book and i loved how it covered all of the doctors,companions,villians and lesser known villians. My only problem was that it read more like a pop up book and didn't have many 2nd doctor villians.That being said Patrick Throughton has the most missing episodes so it's to be expected, damn shame as he's my favorite 'classic doctor". All in all, a great quick knowledgable read into the doctor who history and this book will come in handy for autographs at conventions less
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A treasure of information about Doctor Who. All the Doctors, companions, friends And enemies.
It helps me know what characters are what and were they arer
Great primer for beginning Dr. who watchers
791.4572 L799 2013
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