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The Seduction Of Elliot McBride (2012)

by Jennifer Ashley(Favorite Author)
3.81 of 5 Votes: 5
0425251136 (ISBN13: 9780425251133)
Berkley Sensation
MacKenzies & McBrides
review 1: 3.5Good background for a love story. Once they fell in love and now they have a second chance, but he's a different (damaged) man and she has to know him again (in order to discover he's not the man she loved once). I think the book could be awesome but it lacks of profundity (emotion, tenderness and care) because it all reduces to sex and it leads to a point that it seems pointless to keep reading because she would never be able to know him deeply again. I feel that the end was a little rush settling the process of healing.
review 2: Gotta love the Mackenzie series…Elliot McBride may not be a Mackenzie but he has the heart of one. This was a great book…love love love the chemistry between Elliot and Juliana. He loved her and showed as often as possible. H
... moree was a strong, beast of a hero. The intimate scenes were VERY well done. **blush**… I recommend this book… with the H/H chemistry, the raw emotions from Elliot, the support and love from Juliana and the loyal friendship from his India friend…you couldn’t ask for a better love story. less
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Almost, but not quite, as dull as the previous book. I hate this stupid need to finish a series...
Quel bonheur de se faire un ptit Jennifee Ashley. C'est que du bonheur comme d'hab!
Series rating (Mackenzies #1-6): 7/10 (good)Favorites: #2, 3, 5
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