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The Fortune Of Carmen Navarro (2010)

by Jennifer Fisher Bryant(Favorite Author)
2.8 of 5 Votes: 4
0375857591 (ISBN13: 9780375857591)
Knopf Books for Young Readers
review 1: Carmen is a decent opera. I love the twist that it was made into a modern novel, retelling the story. From the opera to the book, it was pretty decent in switching the times in which the opera/book actually occur. At times I found it a bit much. Especially the scenes seen through so many views. It left me a bit bored and ready to pull my hair out by the end of the book. I feel as if the author was stumbling with this book and the editor did as best as she could to "correct" this issue but it just wasn't enough. The ending was a complete flop, it made me sincerely wonder what on earth this author was thinking. I'm really at a loss, I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.
review 2: I just finished this book... it thought it was really good!Some things I liked a
... morebout it:~I loved how it switched from person to person, it gave you an idea of what the different people were thinking throughtout the whole book.~The ending was...different. Im not going to give anything away because I know some of the people reading this are wondering if they should read this book or not. so, the ending; it was deffenitly unexpected!~I was kind of onboard with the whole spanish part of it. sometime the girls would speak a little, but after awhile you know what they mean; for example: Carmen calles her grandparents something in spanish. you quickly realize that she is talking about her grandparents. You can tell the girls are from spanish heratige. That adds a little bit of a twist.Some things I didnt like about the book:~This is different for everybody so dont be discouraged if you read this and your hopes for this book sink. im not someone to get involved with a book on gypsies or any of that kind of stuff. I more prefer a book with normal humans, but like I said, everyones different. For this book, you have to understand that the main charecter is a gypsie. It dosent really matter, but the book does revolve around her beliefs as a gypsie.~ Another factor that threw me off was that Carmen, the main charecter, needs her space, so if your looking for a book where the couple are with each other, having fun, then you can still read this one, but there is like one or two pages or romance, kissing Etc.So these are some goods and bads of this book. I gave it a 4 out of 5 because even though im not one for gypies, it was still good, a better word to describe it would be Unique! Just give it a try, its only around 230 pages, so its not like it drags on forever, it only took like two days to finish. If you do decide to read it, enjoy! If you dont, thats fine, enjoy other books! :) less
Reviews (see all)
Not bad but I would have liked it more if the ending was different.
I hated the ending and I felt really had for ryan.
Too boring. Couldn't get into it at all.
This was really bad. Seriously.
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