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The Ranger's Apprentice Collection Books 1-3 Box Set (The Ruins Of Gorlan, The Burning Bridge, The Icebound Land) (2008)

by John Flanagan(Favorite Author)
4.46 of 5 Votes: 1
0142411736 (ISBN13: 9780142411735)
review 1: I found this series by accident, and while I'm older than the target audience (22) I really enjoyed it. Basically, it's about a young boy named Will and his adventures with his mentor Halt and best friend Horace. There's danger, fun, and even a bit of romance in the later books. I loved the characters and the witty dialogue the most. Sure it's not deep literature and some of the plot lines can be a bit predictable, but if you're just wanting a fun series that's a quick read this is a good choice. I'd recommend these books for kids of all ages.
review 2: It's interesting: although this "historical" series names no countries or peoples per de, you know who are the British, the French, the Italians , etc. I loved this series and read the whole series of more than
... more10 books. The character development is exceptional. I felt I knew each of the characters personally and hated to let them go. The stories are very real and enthrall long too. Hard to believe John Flanagan wrote them for his young son. These are exceptional for adults too! less
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Really great with the fantasy, it felt like I was actually there and was exactly how I imagined it.
This book made me feel better about finishing the Inheritance series
Truly Excellent, a fun read.
mayan nyegerin otak
love it
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