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The Last Letter From Your Lover (2011)

by Jojo Moyes(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 1
0670022802 (ISBN13: 9780670022809)
Pamela Dorman Books
review 1: Let the record show, once more, that I think Jojo Moyes is a fantastic writer. However, this is hands down my least favorite of her novels. The main characters are horribly selfish people who get what they deserve. I take that back. None of them deserve the last 10 or so pages. They covet and take what is not theirs, with no sense of guilt. They cry about how circumstances are unfair but never realize that they've made their own beds. The only reason I kept up until the end was because I had high hopes that Ms. Moyes would let them get what they really deserved---being alone.
review 2: Having one of those glorious reading experiences where you fall in love with an author and then need to devour everything they've ever written.This is my third JoJo Moyes book, a
... morend I swear I love each one more than the last. Her writing is eloquent, her dialogue flows easily, and her plot lines are original, and the emotions are visceral. I can live vicariously through her characters and I'm so happy I can. Read them all. One Plus One is next on my list! less
Reviews (see all)
It took awhile to get into the story. I wanted to know what happened. it's a good story.
Still hoping to find the magic in Me Before You.
Great book! I enjoyed it from the first page on!
Slow beginning but then gets interesting.
I really enjoyed this book!
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