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Last Debutante, The (2013)

by Julia London(Favorite Author)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 1
1441849564 (ISBN13: 9781441849564)
Brilliance Audio
The Secrets of Hadley Green
review 1: I love everything to do with Scotlandand and the Highlands. It must be the romantic in me, but the vision of rolling hills, lochs and brawny Lairds makes me wish to visit. In Julia London’s, The Last Debutante, she takes us an adventure that is sure to satisfy all of us Scottish romantics. The last person Daria Babcock expects to find in her grandmother’s home is a brawny, naked Highlander. She doesn’t buy Mamie’s explanation about finding the poor man shot in the woods. Nor does she trust the gorgeous laird, who insists his own memory fails him. But Daria came to Scotland looking for adventure and romance, and after the intriguing stranger kidnaps her, she gets her wish. This is a lovely story of falling in love and the stumbles we all encounter.~ D... moreebbie
review 2: This is the first book I have read from author Julia London. It was the picture on the front, the title, the summary, and all the positive reviews. In addition, the twist of my favorite English Regency genre takes place in Scotland, not England. I’ve been there twice and could see this setting as being just as fascinating for a story. Not disappointed - it was a fun PG-13 read!Lovely Daria, embarrassed and unfortunate in her eyes, is the last unspoken for girl in the village of Hadley Green and her recluse parents will not take her to London for a season to find a husband. Therefore, poor 21yr. old Daria’s life is pretty bleak and doomed.Well, what the heck, why not escape to Scotland to see her beloved grandmother who needs some money delivered? Adventure awaits our heroine and boy, is she in for it! Daria travels there and finds dear granny in a tiny cottage with a handsome Scotsman, (our hero), lying nearly passed out from pain and totally naked, because dear old granny shot him. She’s nursing him back to health, but in the meantime, his buds come get him and he takes darling Daria as ransom for money that granny took from Uncle Hamish Campbell. So off handsome hero, Laird Jamie, goes with Daria to Castle Dundavie where he oversees the whole Campbell clan. Daria is allowed to go out and about as she wants, but she will be not released until the ransom is paid. In the meantime, Daria makes the best of her idle time and wins the hearts of some of the clansmen, including our hero, the Laird. And she with him, of course. Fun and touching moments happen during her "imprisoned" time at Dundavie. (I liked the dinner and waltz scenes!)My only complaint is that the end seemed very rushed. I actually had to re-read the explanations of the details because some of them didn’t make sense to me. There wasn’t any hint of some details throughout the story which I thought odd. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the story. Apparently this is #4 of a series, but can stand-alone. Judging by reviews of #1-#3, I will stop with “The Last Debutant”. less
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Not one of her best. A little contrived. Nice romance.
Another winner! Can't help but love Daria.
4 stars.
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