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Against The Mark (2013)

by Kat Martin(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 5
0778314677 (ISBN13: 9780778314677)
Harlequin MIRA
The Brodies
review 1: I am a big fan of Kat Martin's books. There are several in a series that all start with "Against the..." I have really like all the books in the series so far and am anxious to read the next one. This one was a little tough for me because I lost my Dad to cancer so feeling Haley's loss was difficult for me. I loved Haley and Ty together. I wanted their love story to have a happy ending. Haley had a difficult time committing to marriage she hadn't seen too many happy marriages but Ty was definitely persistent. I was with him all the way. The story had several twists and turns so it was a fun read. Definitely recommend this book to all suspense romance fans.
review 2: Good but not as good as the others that I've read in the series...I've read about half
... morethe books in this series and thoroughly enjoyed them. This one didn't do a whole lot for me. I wasn't a fan of the storyline in this book and I thought the action scenes were too short. They didn't do anything to get me excited. I wanted more.Although I didn't dislike the main characters in this book, they just never really grew on me. The romance and chemistry was there but it was just typical of the romance genre. Nothing too exciting.Although I've read some of the books in this series, I haven't read them all and I think they can all stand alone. Especially this one. It's better if you can read them all but if you haven't, don't let that stop you. I'm not even sure what the connection is between the beginning books and these last several books.If you're following along with this series then sure, I'm certain you'll want to pick this book up. If you're just choosing a book to read at random, I'd suggest another book in this series. Kat Martin is a great writer and even though this book wasn't my favorite the writing itself was still great. I won't let this deter me from reading more books in this series or more books by her.I received this book free of charge for review purposes. less
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I have really been enjoying this series. Hoping there are more to come.
really enjoyed this book. Hope we see Dylan's story soon!
good story
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