On holiday last month, I was sipping coffee and enjoying the peaceful lakeside morning, when my thoughts turned to blogging and whether there was anything left to say on the topic of freedom? Honestly, I couldn’t think of a thing! Had I exhausted that topic and if so what would I write about in August?
Happily, several days later a new aspect of freedom came to me. It centers around the Sacred Gifts of Writing, Music & Creativity, which covers everything else from cooking & gardening to painting, drawing, photography, needlework, woodwork, sculpture and, and, and!
Now, I’m not a Master of any of these gifts, but I have always had some level of personal success, satisfaction and even joy from them. So, why had I always jumped from one to another, before ever daring to take one as far as I could? It’s that damned old thing called Fear and it raises its ugly head every time! Sometimes Fear is disguised as self-doubt, or excuses and procrastination, but really what it all boils down to is plain old Fear.
I see you hiding there Fear, but once again this year you’re going down because I’ve remembered one of my favourite quotes, ‘Beyond fear, lies Freedom’. So, I am taking 10 plus years of written ideas, snippets of dialogue and scenarios and writing a book! Whether a novel or short stories and whether or not it’s read by only a few people, or is published and garners worldwide acclaim, is of no matter. What matters is the doing and the freedom to express my own unique gifts, without fear or expectation.
In part, my new found inspiration came from my daughter and seeing her achieve her goal of writing a novel…so proud! Reading ‘Big Magic~creative living beyond fear’, by Elizabeth Gilbert was another freeing push for me.
The Universe can be wonderfully abundant when we are decisive about what we want and yesterday, after making the decision to begin writing, I awoke early with a story line running through my mind. I leapt out of bed, picked up my pen and notebook and… Big Magic!
Think it’s time to dust off my harp and get out the crayons too!