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Eye Of The Storm (2012)

by Kate Messner(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: In the future, the weather of the planet has gone crazy. Tornadoes are huge and hit everywhere on Earth on a frequent basis. It is just a part of life along with the storm shelters everyone owns. The town of Placid Meadows is the exception. Tornadoes don't ever cross the towns perimeter. This is where Jaden goes for the summer to spend time with her father, who owns the company that created Placid Meadows, and to attend the Eye on Tomorrow science camp. At camp, Jaden and her new friend Alex try to find a way to stop the storms from creating super-tornadoes. This is very important to Alex since he and his family own a farm outside of Placid Meadows. Their investigation leads them to question the motives of Jaden's father and the research that is being done by his company.... more This is a fast paced story and it makes you want to keep turning the pages!
review 2: This book was really good, and might even be the new "Divergent" or "Hunger Games," due to its action and suspense. This book is a great mixture of mystery and adventure. I like the very calm and peaceful setting, and how the authors change the setting so quickly, such as when a tornado were to come. I love how the characters fit well, and seem to solve each others' puzzles. I think the setting is somewhat relatable to Louis Lowry's "The Giver," as they both have a very controlled, strict, and calm society. The one thing that could have been better was if the protagonist's grandmother was introtuced much earlier, because it seemed as if she only appeared in the end when everything was uncovered. Otherwise, this was a great book, and I learned from the author's talents at writing. less
Reviews (see all)
Interesting premise. Read it as a possible book to link to an environmental themed for 6th graders.
This is a really well-done dystopian middle grade book!
Great middle school science fiction!
Summer #bookaday 13
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