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A Dance Like Starlight: One Ballerina's Dream (2014)

by Kristy Dempsey(Favorite Author)
4.11 of 5 Votes: 1
0399252843 (ISBN13: 9780399252846)
review 1: This is a beautiful picture book about a young African American girl who wants to be a ballerina in the 1950s, and whose dream comes all the more a reality when she sees Janet Collins, the first African American prima ballerina perform. The only criticism I have for this (very short) book is that I wish it were longer, and wish it went more into depth either about the little girl, or about Janet Collins. It was a lovely story, though.
review 2: I categorized this title widely. It is both fiction (the young girl's dream) and fact/biogrpahical (Prima Ballerina Janet Collins breaking of the color barrier with her performance at the Met). Dempsey's language should be used across many ages as mentor text. It's figurative language (streetlights spreading bright hal
... moreos round their pin-top faces) grabs you and lifts you to New York City rooftops from page one. This young "colored" girl's dreams of becoming a prima ballerina are firmly anchored in both realities: her frequent exposure to the highest levels of ballet art through her mother's job, and her culture-limiting skin color. Together Dempsey and Cooper create a girl so real I was sure that links to her career in ballet would be listed at the back. less
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Top Ten Arts Books for Youth 2014 (Booklist)
I could look at Floyd Cooper's art all day.
Good for all grades
Grades 1-3
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