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Hostile Ground (2014)

by L.A. Witt(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 5
1626491240 (ISBN13: 9781626491243)
Riptide Publishing
review 1: Dang it Mahir you and Ridley are to sexy for words. These two separate are scary but together watch out. The story at first has you wondering about what is truly going on besides drugs and prostitution. The sense of eeriness that Witt and Voinov create seeps into you so you know that something wicked this way comes is there. It was like reading The Witching hour series from Anne rice. You have this feeling that lulls you into a sense of ease where Mahir and Ridley are exploring one another in every sense of the word and than suddenly that lull goes to a foreboding and than puts your hair on end now back to the safety net of Mahir and Ridely exploring each other and their feelings. Add to the mix, Mahir's nephew and his coming out and trying to feel safe and secure in who... more he is while finding support and love. Now add the fact Mahir's nephew is a teenager with the angst and attitude to go with it while Mahir is trying to work undercover and give him a safe space and we have a twister of a story going on. Now let's add that Mahir's nephew begins to doubt him, Ridley and Mahir are getting closer, people are suspecting Mahir is close to him and feeling antsy around him, and he is seeing a pattern with the runners that unnerves him more than how much he wants Ridley in his life. So much. Really you sly devil writers sticking in all that intimacy between Ridley and Mahir so we feel a little more secure in our footing in between throwing wrenches into what is going on makes you bloody wonderful. A fast paced, twisty book on trust, love and security in finding one's self and another while trying to keep your sense of who you are without being lost in a new identity. One of solving a terrible crime and hoping you can save others from a terrible fate. A great book all around.
review 2: The descriptions and tone of this novel are so vivid that you not only picture it all, but feel like you’re right there. The combination of police undercover work with familial obligations creates a breathtaking and solidly captivating novel that you won’t be able to put down. Religion, duty, and self-worth all make an appearance throughout. The authors meld suspense with mayhem while showing how romance can crop up at any time. They tell a tale that I found myself fully invested in. I always needed to know what would happen next and how it would end, but I never actually wanted the tale to end.The multifaceted character development throughout allows readers to really get to know the characters. These authors make sure you are introduced to them both inside and outside of their work place. Seeing the fine line that the main characters walk, morally, religiously, and ethically, draws you closer to them. I found myself rooting for them, and at the same time, wanting to get to know them better. The antagonists in this novel really highlight both the plight of the main characters as well as commenting on the current state of society, the tings many of us try to ignore. I’m normally not a fan of multi-author works, but these two work together so seamlessly that you can’t help but get caught up in the breathlessness of it all. This novel is definitely a must read for those who enjoy the genre. Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work in exchange for an honest review. less
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Fantastic book, kept me on the edge of my seat.
Undercover Cops story. Loved it.
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