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No Distance Left To Run (2014)

by L.A. Witt(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 2
1619222140 (ISBN13: 9781619222144)
Samhain Publishing
Distance Between Us
review 1: The story these two have created together is wonderful. The writing crisp and flawless while capturing into the lives of Chris and Joshua/Julian. I was more drawn to Chris than Julian to the point I felt protective of him and didn’t want to see him hurt again by Julian like he was all those years ago.Chris went through so much to get to where he was and comfortable in his own skin and when you read this you growl at Julian as you read Chris’s thoughts and see his confused actions. But Chris being an amazing guy( a Mr. Darcy for men to be lucky to be with) forgave Julian unconditionally and was there for him no matter what with open arms. Even when Julian allowed his guilt to come into play Chris was there when he was needed. Chris loved wholly and unconditionally. Just... more took Julian awhile to see this and come around. Julian needed time to really look at himself and figure out his emotions before truly seeing Chris for who he is and to see his own emotions for being real.These two when together wows. Steams up the kindle so have a towel handy. These two are perfect together. They support each other and give each other the strength one another needs to be who they are. Their chemistry is through the roof and written to where you truly feel all the emotions come off the pages. The easy banter is sexy to see and gives you all you need even if it is unsaid. The intimacy is like seeing two people become one even if it seems rough but their is passion and oneness there. The writing allows us to see this. As they come to terms with each other,they stand as one and become what the other truly needs. A beautiful book of forgiveness and love that is unconditional.
review 2: While there are similarities between this story, and "Covet Thy Neighbor," also by the same author, they each tell a very different story about love and acceptance.In "No Distance," we meet Chris, who has turned his back on a deeply religious family who will not accept his sexuality. Poor Chris, his family and his church treat him as if he has a contagious disease. While he's come to terms with the estrangement, he still feels the loss deeply, but won't give in to their intolerance. Julian (aka Joshua), Chris's childhood friend and teen crush, has gone a step further. He couldn't deal with his family's expectations and the pressure to conform, so he disappeared...and let everyone think he'd died. Now he's returned home to visit his dying father and try to reconcile with his family.What's wonderful about Chris is his willingness to support Julian no matter what, even if it means giving up their relationship so that Julian can return to his family. And what's wonderful about Julian is his refusal to bow to his family's conditions about returning to the church and giving up his relationship with Chris. However, the most heartwarming part of the story is Julian's father when he quotes a church text, telling Chris and Julian "...true love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one's companion." And then he continues to apologize, "And I want you both to know how sorry I am for trying to keep you apart."Yes..it's a little too Hallmark Channel, but it does address the mine field of religion and sex that troubles so many.So there's lots to like in this book...some sweet romance and some pretty blazing sex. Julian has that hot 'French Foreign Legion' thing going, so bring on that beret...! less
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I've enjoyed this entire series. This one did not disappoint. Great characters, hot sex.
Ok, have we met the people in this one? None of the names are familiar to me.
First try unsuccessful 06/28
3.5 stars
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